torsdag 28 juli 2016

Life that starts and life that ends

Monday night at 3:40 , I woke up while Etna booked and messed around a lot in the whelping box and a minute later the first puppy was born- a little lively male puppy of around 360gram . After about 9 hours of labor Etna is now the proud mother of 4 bitches and two males . 

 The same day we took the hard decision to let Sarek put to sleep for good at the ripe old age of over 12 years . We will miss his always happy face and happy greetings and try to remember all the good times we've had together. Now we hope that Sarek meets Spira on the other side , and that together they can hunt hares , birds, squirrels and have a good painless life.

söndag 24 juli 2016

Hot day in July

28 degrees in the shade and just too hot for the puppies to be in the whelping box in the kitchen . They beeped and beeped until we moved them to a kennel . Then they were silent , huddled in a heap and fell asleep. A moment later they had woken up and curiously examined their new surroundings .

Etna has moved into the whelping box and prepares herself to soon put new puppies to life. It is hot and hard to be heavy on the stomach today so we hope the puppies will arrive soon .

Hacked account

I had my account hacked last week so I can´t use it anymore. This also ment that I don´t have access to my blogs anymore so therefore I have started this new blog.

Life on our kennel is filled with activity.  At the moment there are a lot of puppies on the kennel most of them are reserved but there are still some male puppies left. If you are interested in buying a puppy please contact us at

phone: +46700405267